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                010-82423303 15611193214



                2021/07/19 产业园区


                ▲园区东湖,the east lake



                Based on Hangzhou's profound landscape culture, the natural ecological endowment of South Lake and the unique characteristics of scientific research groups, U.P.SPACE clarifies the spatial and aesthetic connotation of Alibaba's South Lake Park project, which is "Shen Jun Shu Lang, Zhuo Er Bu Qun", and takes "a floating leaf, a harmony life between humankind and nature" as the design concept. The design concept realizes the integration of intelligent office R&D area and ecological area, while establishing the circle of life between artificial environment and natural landscape, creating an emotional work that reflects the interplay between Hangzhou city and nature.


                ▲园区东广场,the east plaza


                ▲园区Ψ精神空间,Zen courtyard


                ▲园区主广场,the main plaza


                ▲园区西入口,the west entrance



                阿普贝思将雨水花园、亲ω 自然设计、低碳材料、景观低影响开发、低维护策略等专利技术作为可持续设计的基础,结合碳中和的理念,形成阿普贝思独具特色的业务策略和五大」产品方向:产业园区、海绵城市、健康住区、市政文旅、文化教育,十余年来取得卓越成绩。



                U.P.SPACE, as the first design institution in China to put forward the concept and method of sustainable landscape design,insisting on giving priority to ecology and nature,is the first landscape design organization in China that truly practices the application of LID technology from a multi-scale and multi-disciplinary perspective.

                By having patented techology such as Rain Garden, Biophilic Design, Low-carbon Materials, Low Impact Development, and Low Landscape Maintenance Strategy, etc. as the basis for sustainable landscape design, and combining with the concept of Carbon Neutrality, U.P.SPACE has formed its unique business strategy and five major product directions: Industrial Park, Sponge City, Healthy Residential, Municipalities, Culture and Tourism, and Education, making outstanding achievements for more than ten years.

                For U.P.SPACE, the winning of the Alibaba South Lake Park project marks a new stage in the field of industrial parks landscape design. U.P.SPACE will continue to explore and get involved in more industries, integrating sustainable and biophilic concepts into specific designs to create ecological, low-carbon and sustainable living environment.

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