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                010-82423303 15611193214


                2021/11/19 喜讯快报





                当地时间11月18日,2021年WAN世界建筑新闻网大奖(WAN AWARDS)正式公布获奖结果,阿普贝思设计的『池州市护城河遗址公园』项目荣获“城市景观(Urban Landscape)”类别金奖,同时也是该类别中唯一一个获奖项目。




                WAN AWARDS

                WAN Awards是世界上最大的国际奖项之一,由国际平台World Architecture News(WAN,世界建筑新闻网)创办,至今已举办逾10届,具有非常广泛的全球覆盖率。奖项评审团由国际顶尖专家担任,包括国际一线设计机构主持建筑师、世界知名建筑学府专家等,以最专业的眼光评价▅参赛作品,具有极高的专业含金量。



                PROJECT DESIGN







                Chizhou, one of the first group of sponge pilot cities, is rich in water resources. As a small and medium-sized city along the Yangtze River, it has many obvious problems caused by urbanization, such as waterlogging, accumulated water and saturated development.

                In the renovation and reconstruction project, a method for treating both sponge city and polluted river is comprehensively used to transform an "urban enclave" into a constructed wetland park with daily natural features, and the original polluted and malodorous water body into a water-engaging open space with a stable water quality of Class IV all the year round. It has made an exemplary attempt on the topic of black and malodorous water treatment in the city center.


                Overall of the project



                This project is at the low elevation of the region. The place where the project is located belongs to the old city with high-density development, which has a combined sewer system. The water body in the project area was originally a pond left by the abandoned moat, which was also one of the ten polluted and malodorous water bodies in Chizhou. The import of a large amount of discretely-discharged waste water from the surrounding area had resulted in a harsh environment in this place. Additionally, there is a problem of water accumulation in the north community all the year round.

                The project focused on how to, firstly, turn this small place into a water-engaging open space with daily natural features, which could be accessed and used easily every day, thus turning a negative space into a positive and participatory space; secondly, improve water quality, build a sponge-like constructed wetland, and solve the problem of rain and flood management in the area.


                Original state of the site


                Overall Layout after renovation


                Water system design


                The main entrance of the park, located on Qiupu West Road in the south, has limited dimension due to the restriction that the facilities on the east side of the entrance cannot be relocated. Under this restriction, the effort will be maximized as far as possible to create an “empty” square, thus making the heritage park open its arms and embrace the citizens to explore this modified enclave in the city.


                Entrance waterscape


                The vertical revetment between the existing hospital and the water body on the west side is just like a vertical crack that interrupts the continuation of the green basement. In order to form a water-engaging loop, emergent aquatic plants and green island are used to realize the green connection on the west side of the park. The water-engaging trail is independent of the revetment, winding in the plants, creating ecological poetry of constructed wetland together with the intermittent resting terraces and simple white porch.

                The water-engaging trail is independent of the revetment, winding in the plants


                The entrance connecting the dormitory of Xinhua Bookstore on the north side has been maintained for the convenience of residents. People would face the outstanding platform after passing through the entrance, on which they could view the whole place as their own back garden.


                The outstanding platform on the north side


                The space on the east side of the park is narrow, and the landscape platform designed to solve the height difference also has the function of primary purification of road rainwater. The soil in the platform is designed with specific substrate according to the water quality of Chizhou.


                The secondary entrance of the park


                The landscape platform and vertical wetland on the east side


                The walkway along the lake


                After renovation and modification, the park has become an accessible waterfront activity space, effectively increasing the regional vitality and upgrading the environment of the old city, and providing a venue for ecological education in the urban area. Polluted and malodorous water body has met the standard of stable Class IV. By restoring lake habitat and improving the diversity of plant communities and animals, the lake has become an important habitat for wild birds such as wild ducks and egrets.


                The accessible waterfront activity space


                The water environment after renovation


                It is a very beneficial attempt to transform the polluted and malodorous water body into a constructed wetland park with daily natural features. Compared with the wetland park in the suburbs where you need to drive, the place with such daily natural features that can be accessible after meals is more precious for people.

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